Minecraft but its Big

Map Version 1.0 (1.20.4) Download

Giant Blocks Resource pack may take several minutes to load

CTM AND CEM are required for resourcepack to function

Optifine may be used but is not reccomended due to long load times
Sodium will cause minor visual glitches but may be used along other performance mods as well as shaders
Multiplayer is supported!
Make sure to set render distance to at least 16 and simulation distance to 12 in server.properties

What would minecraft be like at 1/16 your normal size?

Survival adventure map with oversized items, mobs, grappling hook and more!

This map utilizes Big Papi Gaming's incredible motion datapack, Thank you BigPapi!

Block Printer

Make your own oversized maps with the big block printer


Reach me at misha.solomakha@gmail.com